Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Updates

Hello Friends

We have both have had a little update with medical stuff. Tanie recently went the dentist and discovered she has a couple of cavities :( I feel bad for her but it is okay. She has a dentist appointment to fill those nasty holes coming in a month. I have a dentist appointment on the 18th of this month. I am worried about my wisdom teeth getting in the way. I hope I do not have to get them taken out.

But some good news on my side is that I went to the heart doctor and he gave me a really good report. He explained to me that my heart should not be a problem in the next few years and doesnt see it causing any problems for my peace corps tour! That is huge to me and I am excited that the report came back so well.

Tanie and I love to goto the park and we wanted to share some pictures with you.

Grace and Peace

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